Wednesday, May 23, 2012

This semesters reading 25 was good. Even when there was times where i did go to sleep alot, lol. But at the sametime, the class was good. I learned alot in this reading reading class. I learn that there is alot more to reading than it is now. It's really better than english really. There were funny times we had in the class, well the whole class was really funny.And the last thing to say about this clas is that my teacher is really cool.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The bystander effect is like a cry for help. A person is sometimes alone, half of the time they need the help that they can get. It's always important to help someone that's in need of help.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

women are by far worst by leading men on. women lead us on with love, relationships, second chances, and most of all sex. the reason why I say that because women say that men does the damage in a relationship, but u have most women that does alot more damage than a man does. Why, because it's a common factor. When you go out on a first date, she would rather go out to eat at a fancy restraunt to make here feel special and crap. the nerve.